Vieles hat sich schon gelöst, und schon gestern Abend hatte ich das erste Mal ein Gefühl von Ganzheit, das fühlte sich so gut an und auch auf anderen Ebenen tut sich was. Deine Arbeit und wofür du dich zur Verfügung stellst, ist sehr kraftvoll. Jetzt fühle ich mich alles in allem, mit den mir gegebenen Werkzeugen sehr ermächtigt. In den großen unendlich weiten Raum der Liebe konnte ich zum Abend heilsam eintauchen und Ruhe finden.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening up my chakras
to feel the love and light that poured in while I was having an Akashic reading.
I was feeling in a very empty place, I had no passion for life, no interest for anything,
I was just going through the motions of living.
After the reading I felt filled with passion, hope, interest, love, understanding,
oh it feels so good to be back.
I know what I’m here for now and its time to get things rolling.
I’m open, I’m trusting myself, I’m listening, I thank you for helping me open up and
hear what my soul is yearning for on this journey to Earth.
May God, Mother Earth and the Angles bless you immensely for your help.
Robyn H New Zealand
Einzigartige schöne Erfahrung.
Während des Reading der Akasha Chronik spürt man die
unendliche Liebe der geistigen Welt die einen in jeder
Lebenskrise beisteht. Vielen herzlichen Dank Angela
Liebe Grüße
Ich möchte Dir hiermit nochmals danken für die Akasha-Chronik.
Mein Leben hat sich dadurch nachhaltig, nochmals positiv verändert.
Wenn Du wieder einmal nach Deutschland kommst,(in meine Nähe) bitte melde Dich unbedingt bei mir.
Vielen lieben Dank, alles liebe für Dich.
Herzlichen Gruß, Renate H
I had a real struggle with myself before I contacted Angela to set up my Akashic Records Reading appointment
Because I’m hugely analytical, it is in my nature to be very sceptical about anything that I cannot work out with my mind.
For the past couple of months, I considered asking Angela to do my Akashic Records reading for me.
Sometimes I wanted to do it, but then my mind (ego) came screaming in and told me to “be rational; be logical; how on earth can someone that you don’t know tell you what happened in your past?”
Since I had been to other professional people before, and they could not break through my mental blocks, I thought, “why would this time be any different?”
And then I would let the idea go again…
But the problem would not go away
Unfortunately (for my ego), the reasons why I considered the Akashic Records reading in the first place didn’t go away just because my mind told me to “be rational.”
So, with my ego kicking and screaming, I contacted Angela.
Even on the day of the reading, I still wondered whether it wasn’t a mistake
I was so stressed by this out-of-the-ordinary (for me) thing I was going into, that I felt my stomach knot up … and for a minute, I considered not to go ahead.
But I’m glad I did …
The moment Angela started speaking, I felt at ease
Angela’s calm demeanour and her compassionate, reassuring way removed all my worries about the reading.
The reading was both interesting and enlightening to me. Interesting, because everything was so spot-on, exactly describing how I really know myself to be. And enlightening, because I was shown a path forward.
The proof was in the facts
If I ever doubted whether “this type of thing was for real,” what Angela shared with me completely demolished those doubts. When she shared with me things about my personality that I didn’t tell her, I thought, “Wow, there’s no way she could know that!”
I realised that it was not Angela speaking her own ideas or opinions, but rather Angela becoming a channel through which the spiritual Masters spoke to me!
A heavy burden fell from my shoulders
I knew that I was experiencing something very special — something sacred — that would change my life.
For the last decade (or maybe even longer), I felt like I was “caught up” in a routine of sleep, get up, go to work, go home, sleep … and repeat again. Over and over and over again. Even though I did experience some joyful moments in my life, they were few and far between.
The worst part was that I had no idea how to break free from this dead-end cycle — until Angela became the channel through which the spiritual Masters could show me the light.
Now I can LIVE again!
I came away from my session with clarity about what I can do to improve my life, and where to put my focus.
I’m excited because, for the first time in years, I feel like my life has a purpose again.
And all that was only because of the work Angela did for me in reading my Akashic Records.
Thanks, Angela. Your compassion and authenticity were really encouraging and you succeeded in turning this sceptic into a believer.
I appreciate you!
Schalk L., New Zealand
Angela is warm and friendly and
I believe that my session (Akashic Records Reading)
with Angela has provided me with new insights
related to my personal issues and
my part in the world.
I am grateful to Angela.
Many blessings, Ella from Sweden
Insightful * Accurate* Transformational* Authentic* Genuine
It is with much warmth in my heart that I write this testimonial for Angela.
I recently experienced an Akashic record reading with Angela and I can highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking clarity, understanding and change in any area of their life.
This reading has been the Catalyst for such growth and understanding in many areas of my life. So many events and choices have become very clear to me from this reading.
Since this reading I have cleared many subconscious blocks, beliefs and programs which have now allowed me to move forward on my Journey with great clarity and knowing.
My ability to manifest my desires is now happening “at the speed of light”. I am now on my way to creating my business of “Loving what I do and doing what I Love”.
There have been so many “ah ha” moments since my reading and there are far too many to write in this testimonial.
All I can say is the “The changes in me have been quite Profound”.
If you are ready to connect with the self and desire to create change then the Akashic Records opened by Angela are an awesome tool to help you create change.
In the reading I found Angela to be compassionate, caring and heartfelt. Her beautiful manor was professional, very enlightening and has significantly changed my life.
Thanks for the honour and privilege of my reading and coming across your path.
With much appreciation and gratitude
Jo Barber, Australia
ich möchte mich bei dir bedanken für das Reading in meiner Akasha Chronik.
Es ist wunderbar geflossen und vorallem die Wurzeln sind zurück.
Ich finde du machst einen wundervollen Dienst und bist klar in der Energie.
Kann Dich nur weiter empfehlen.
Liebe Grüsse Peter
I recently had an Akashic Record Reading with Angela and I absolutely loved it!
She is so caring, compassionate and beautiful and it really shone through in the strength of her reading.
She provided me with great information and insight, as well as some wonderful tools and techniques
I can use to further help me in my journey upon this earth. I highly recommend a reading with Angela.
Regards Sylvia Lane
Transformational Healer, Australia
“I loved Angela’s positive attitude and talking to her was always uplifting.
Her advice and coaching was practical and helpful,
but she also made me think more deeply about myself.
She really did help me to evolve!”
Barbara, Wellington NZ
Ich kenne Angela noch aus der Zeit, als sie in Deutschland lebte und den Herzenswunsch hatte,
nach Neuseeland auszuwandern. Es gab damals offensichtlich keine Möglichkeiten und Chancen,
dieses Ziel jemals zu erreichen. Trotzdem war Angela überzeugt davon, nach Neuseeland zu ziehen, und
hatte immer schon das Gefuehl dort zu leben. Für mich war es faszinierend, mitzuerleben, wie ihr Wunsch
in Erfüllung ging, obwohl alles Rationale dagegen sprach.
Deshalb war ich neugierig als ich von ihrer Ausbildung zum Coach erfuhr. Ich hatte schon viele Arten ausprobiert
mich persönlich weiterzuentwickeln. Trotzdem fiel ich immer wieder in bestimmte Gedanken- und Verhaltens-
muster zurück, die mich blockierten. Ich hatte viele Puzzleteile in Händen und konnte das Gesamtbild nicht finden.
Angela hat mir mit ihrer einfühlsamen Art, das letzte Puzzleteil geschenkt. Sie hat coaching nicht einfach gelernt.
Sie hat die Gabe zu coachen schon immer. Durch ihre Ausbildung hat sie mir gute Werkzeuge vermittelt, mit
deren Hilfe ich jetzt und auch zukünftig vermeintliche schwierige Situationen bearbeiten kann.
Schön für mich war auch das Coaching in meiner Muttersprache Deutsch, über Skype kein Problem,
auch wenn der halbe Erdball dazwischen liegt.
Deshalb möchte ich auch gerade meinen deutschen Landsleuten empfehlen, sich von Angela coachen
zu lassen, damit jeder das erfüllte Leben bekommt, das ihm zusteht. Gabi F., Bayern, Deutschland
Get started with your own transformation
Angela Thie has been a wise counsel to me for three to four years now.
She has coached me through some situations that I have found hard to face alone.
I had no qualms about signing up to Angela for coaching. As I have stated Angela has been a
wise and intuitive counsel to me for some time.
I trust and value Angela’s advice and coaching and I know she can help me relax and
work through my problems and challenges in a clear and confident manner.
Angela’s coaching has helped me move on from some tough problems and
I often refer back to her offered tools when I am uncertain.
The situation that stands out most clearly to me has to do with my irrational fear of flying.
This made me decide to consult with Angela. Angela coached me through my fears and brought great comfort to me.
I have referred to this advice whenever I have to fly since.
Angela has strong believes and can confer great confidence.
She has the ability to remove you from the situation so you can take a step back and regard the bigger picture.
I have never met anyone else with this skill to the depth that Angela has.
I totally recommend Angela as a Life Coach.
I think she has such great wisdom and is so completely unselfish in sharing her skill with anyone.
Kirsty S., New Zealand
Kia ora,
I was unsure about undertaking coaching with Angela because we had only met briefly
and I didn’t know her that well. I decided to take up the opportunity to be coached by Angela
because I thought it would help me to focus on making my business sustainable.
Two of the main benefits I received by being coached were learning how to phrase my goals
in a meaningful way and rethinking how to balance my business needing to make a profit
with my natural inclination to provide a koha based service.
I would recommend Eywacoaching to anyone who wants to rewrite their limiting belief patterns because it works.
nga mihi mahana, Ripeka E., New Zealand
“Angela is an amazing woman and a wonderful insightful coach.
Since our first session together I have experienced so many ‘shifts’ – ah ha moments –
that have positively impacted my life – it is incredible.
Angela has re-ignited my creativity which has given me the confidence
to follow my passions – and let go of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back.
Being coached by Angela has changed my life so much for the
better and I am so grateful for every second of the time I have in Angela’s presence.”
Deb H. , Victoria, Australia
“I had a really good feeling of being coached by Angela and always felt I was in capable hands.
Angela’s intuitive style of coaching allowed me to have some HUGE insights into long held beliefs
and behaviours, that I had no idea I was carrying around and how they were affecting me.
I always felt that Angela had me and what I needed first in her mind.
I would recommend being coached by Angela to anyone who is feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of
getting from A to B.
This is a great support to break through any barriers quickly, easily, safely and
to be held accountable working towards goals.” Renee C., Queensland, Australia
“I decided to get started with Angela because I was going
round and round in circles in my life and
lacked any ability to make decisions.
Angela helped me to identify what was important and
helped me create a plan to move forward.
She offered me the encouragement I needed to
stay on track and make important changes in my life
so I could move towards achieving my dreams.
I would recommend to anyone who is stuck with
decision making or at a crossroads in their lives to
get some coaching from Angela.” Nina A., New Zealand
“Angela is an insightful, powerful coach who draws out the best in clients and
empowers them to reach their dreams. Angela has a gentle but direct style that
makes me feel safe and yet challenged to move beyond where I’ve gone and to
align myself with my desires. Angela’s authenticity and commitment comes through
and through. I found that after working with Angela, working with a coach is absolutely
necessary to purge the old and bring in the new!
– Thank you Angela for your commitment and you passion.” Peri B. Victoria, Australia
“Working with Angela on my personal development was brilliant.
I gained clarity, confidence and personal awareness
of my centeredness in the world I live in.
She has good insight that helped me gain giant leaps forward.
With gratitude,” Lisa M. Texas, USA
“Just a quick note to thank you for the fabulous coaching sessions you provided me with.
Your energy is gentle and caring, and you were fully present through all our sessions.
You helped me make some important discoveries about myself and
helped me reconnect with some long lost masters!
Thank you once again for facilitating my transformations. Warm Regards Jan R. Victoria, Australia”
If you feel drawn to an Akashic Records reading or coaching please contact me via email at Angela (at)
Wenn Sie sich auch ihre Akasha Chroniken von mir öffnen lassen möchten oder Coaching haben möchten, dann kontaktieren Sie mich einfach per Email an Angela (at)