
Being authentic and true to yourself has incredible power and will fast lead to an inspired life, so you can not only feel bliss but live bliss. 

You will find inspiration will flow easily to you and the most magnificent life will manifest once you start being in tune with what you desire in your life.

If you are here, you know that there is a creative being inside you, just waiting to be unleashed….


The most amazing things can be done and created when you combine your own truth with your creativity.

I will help you to make that connection! Your actions will become inspired actions and your mind will become a source of endless creative ideas. 

Do you want to combine all aspects of your life so you can feel complete and eager for what is to come?

I’ll provide you with your own tailored empowering strategies and processes, so you can create what ever it is that your inner creative self desires.

With my skills, gifts and passion I’ll assist you to create the life of your dreams and support you in your personal evolution. 


How do I work?

I am always fully present for YOU in our sessions. I tune into YOUR energy which presents in our conversation.

I listen to what is said (and unsaid) and to the angel’s whispers I sometimes receive.

We’ll focus on the future, and I’ll support YOU to achieve YOUR goals and enable YOU to follow YOUR dreams.

Therefore we sometimes need to find what it is that’s holding you back.

Together with my intuition and YOUR knowledge of YOURSELF we’ll clear any self sabotage and blockages to help YOU to grow and evolve.

I am really excited to have the opportunity to work with YOU because I know anything is possible!

Contact me using the contact form.

Being bilingual in German and English I can offer you coaching in both languages. Das bedeutet, daβ ich gerne für dich auch coaching in Deutsch anbiete. MeineVorgehensweise ist dieselbe wie oben in Englisch beschrieben, ich werde mit Liebe, Respekt und Aufmerksamkeit dich unterstützen, um dich zu einem volleren und glücklicheren Leben zu begleiten. Der Zeitunterschied zwischen Neuseeland und Deutschland macht es sehr leicht sich entweder am Abend oder am Morgen zu verbinden und mit Hilfe moderner Technologie ist es, wenn überhaupt, kaum teurer als ein innerdeutsches Telefonat.

Practical steps

Enter your details in the contact form and I will connect with you within 48 hours and fill you in in what to do to get your first session booked. 

Sessions are held by using either skype (voice only) or phone.

Love, Light and Laughter
